i Jesus is my captain, brother, rescuer and friend.
ii I owe everything to Him. I will do anything for Him.
iii I will unashamedly make Him known in all I do.
iv I will not cheat in anything, personal or professional.
v I will look away from the gutter but be prepared to pull people out of it.
vi I will keep my body fit and free from any addictions.
vii I will put the welfare of those closest to me before my own welfare.
viii I will treat all men and women as brothers and sisters.
ix I will lead as He would lead. I will honour my leaders provided this also honours Him. I will follow Him in company with my sisters and brothers.
x I will use my strength to protect the weak and stand against the abuse of power.
xi I will protect the world that God has made.
xii If I fail I will not give up. He never gives up on me.
The bible is the bible, and codelife is not. We know that sounds obvious, but it needs to be said right at the beginning!
The reason why it needs to be said is that some people might think we are trying to replace God's word with some catchy soundbites. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, we are delighted when we hear about men getting stuck into the bible through codelife, because that is exactly what we want. codelife is simply the 'tip of the spear', the catalyst point for driving men deeper into God and His word.
Every week, millions of Christians read Christian books, watch Christian TV and listen to sermons preached either in the church or through some form of media access. Most if not all would agree that where these forms of teaching and direction are doctrinally accurate they are also helpful. They do not seek to replace scripture, but rather illuminate it.
Indeed, some of our richest insights have been handed down over the centuries as great Christians have studied God's word and shared their thoughts. Very special statements, like the Apostle's Creed, are not biblical canon but are accepted by the church as a unifying force for good.
All of these are examples of non-biblical material inspiring and leading Christians. We humbly submit codelife to the Christian community as one of the myriad tools we believe God has lent His grace to, and pray that it also will be a force for good.
One final thought. As you read through codelife you may think to yourself, 'They've missed a crucial issue!'. Well, we've worked long and hard at finding 12 brief statements that say an awful lot but we always knew we could never be absolutely 100% comprehensive. And that's fine, because the bible is comprehensive. Remember; tip of the spear.
If you'd like to read more about some of the biblical thinking behind the codes, please
download the PDF document.
Written by Written by Carl Beech, Nathan Blackaby and Ian Manifold.
The Code is a fantastic twelve-point honour code manual for practical Christian living. Reading it could radically change your life! A rule of life for men that helps them to stay gripped and focussed on living a full on, uncompromised Jesus centred life, in company with others. It is the heart of the developing Codelife movement.
Men are reporting this to be life changing!
To coincide with the 30th anniversary of Christian Vision for Men (CVM), this is a revised
and updated special edition.
Produced by CVM and The Bible Society
You've got to be crazy to follow Jesus, right? Or is there more to it? Some say that the message of the Bible doesn't apply to men these days. But what if that's wrong?
Carl Beech, leader of Christian Vision for Men, uncovers the myths surrounding Jesus, the Church, and where we stand in this anything-goes world.
Discover the lives of assassins, murderers, cowards, adulterers, street fighters and dictators. Follow heroes and heroines, and ordinary blokes having a go. Be astonished by miracles, supernatural interventions, and even stuff about sex.
The brand new Code Bible brings together the Bible and The Code, a rule of life for men that helps them live an uncompromising Christ-centred life.
With challenges, study questions, pledges and quotes written by the Christian Vision for Men team – as well as top ten lists of facts to debate – The Code Bible for men will really help you to stay gripped and excited by Gods word.
"We're really excited by this new Bible and pray it spurs men on to dig deep into God's word and live full on for Jesus." Carl Beech, Christian Vision for Men.
Key Pointers
Order your copy now from The Bible Society
Codelife UNLOCKED.
Since they were first released in 2011 our Codelife Unlocked Bible Studies have been downloaded thousands of times and used by groups of men across the UK, and even internationally.
We have now re-written them from the ground up and can now offer you the ALL NEW studies to download and use in your group. We are also really excited about the release of the CODE Unlocked reading plan on the YouVersion Bible phone app.
These Bible studies have been designed to connect men with Scripture through The Codes in creative ways.
The Codelife Unlocked Bible App plan provides you
with 12 inspirational targets and disciplines for our spiritual lives, to
help us be the men we know we need to be.
The CODE Unlocked reading plan consists of nearly all new material and will help you dive deeper into the CODE and their application for your daily life and for the band of brothers we hope you have around you.
Just open the app, and search in ‘Plans’ for ‘Code Unlocked’. Or
download the YouVersion Bible app to your smart phone or tablet
for free, if you don’t already have it.
Codelife Unlocked Bible Group studies offer a 4-week study guide for each of the 12
codes, so that's 48 studies all-together, enough to keep you going for at least 12 months!
You can download them and print out as many copies as you need.
We offer this completely free, if you want to donate - we suggest a donation of £5
Created for lockdown and COVID restrictions this 12-week study from CVM to help you and your men’s group keep meeting up.
Obviously, the times we are now in are unprecedented and have changed that way we can meet up as CVM groups, so we decided to get busy and resource you guys for this season.
In the study you will find:
We thought you might need some more resources to use for the men’s groups online and in person? So we created MK2.
We realise that with the restrictions now lifting slowly you might be able to meet up in person as a group in small numbers but we wanted to provide some more studies to just support the moment. These can even be used in person to give you some ideas as you meet anyway but might be helpful if you are still using zoom each week.
Just follow the download link to access the free men’s group resource
Code Unleashed is a chance to get out into the open, have a laugh with some other guys, 'walk on the wild side' in the great outdoors, but more importantly spend time connecting with God, maybe for the first time! Oh and of course ... eat!
As men, by nature we take our place fighting in a 'greater battle' alongside other blokes, therefore it's a great event you can bring your mates to.
The Code Unleashed days are be packed and memorable occasions. You'll get 'tooled-up' to stand stronger in the battles that take place in our families, work places, communities and churches. Even in our own lives.
After successfully rolling this out around the UK, you can now organise your own Code Unleashed event in your area! Get your free event pack now and see the guys in your group be unleashed in the wild!
Send a message to the codelife team at CVM.
Christian Vision for Men,
Chesterfield Road,
S43 3XD
T: (01246) 452483